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Horticultural crops can be extremely profitable if they are produced off season. This leads agricultural companies to seek a higher production in adverse climates.
Nurseries are differentiated by type of plant produced and by the target sector. Among the systems most commonly used are: Agricultural nurseries, forestry nurseries, ornamental nurseries
The type of nursery is defined by the plants they produce. Agricultural nurseries grow abundant horticultural and fruit plants; forest plants in general aimed at reforestation; and ornamental plants for gardening and cut flower.
Flower farming
La floricultura es el cultivo de flores y plantas ornamentales para uso decorativo. Esta requiere de un control exhaustivo de las condiciones climáticas para obtener producciones de calidad, y en unas fechas muy concretas de programación de floración.
Medicinal cannabis
The yield of a medicinal cannabis plantation depends to a large extent on the concentration of cannabinoids in its flowers. To obtain the best results, temperature, humidity and solar radiation all have to be monitored with pinpoint accuracy. This requires exhaustive climate monitoring for all these conditioning factors inside a greenhouse.

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