
AgroTech present in the I Asturian Agri-Food Forum

On May 27th, AgroTech participated in the Forum of Competitiveness and Agri-Food Sustainability of Asturias, “AgroCarrio” to develop new initiatives to improve the competitiveness of the Agri-Food sector in Asturias.

Rene Porrúa, represented AgroTech as one of the 45 signatories among private sector companies, technology groups and public institutions, of the manifesto promoted by SODECO, Society for the Development of the Mining Regions.

SODECO has created a new collaborative space for the transmission of knowledge and skills, where innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship in the sector will be the key lines of action.

For its part, AgroTech advances in the agri-food sector through its commitment and research in high-tech greenhouse projects that include climate control, intelligent irrigation systems, automation and sensor technology among its key elements.